Election Information

Election Information

November 4, 2025 General Election:

Seat #1 - currently held by Heidi Husbands

Seat #2 - currently held by Kaz Thea


Qualifications of Candidates:

Candidates for city elected office are required to file a Declaration of Candidacy specifying the office sought and affirming that the individual is a qualified city elector, meaning:

  • at least 18 years of age,
  • a U.S. citizen,
  • the candidate's primary residence must be within the city,
  • the address of the candidate's voter registration must match the residence address provided on the candidate's declaration, and
  • the candidate must have resided in the city for at least 30 days prior to submitting their declaration.

The Declaration of Candidacy must be accompanied by:

  • a nonrefundable filing fee of $40, or
  • a Petition of Candidacy signed by at least five qualified electors with the signatures verified by the county clerk's office.

The deadline for filing Declarations of Candidacy is Friday September 8th, at 5:00 p.m. Declarations of Candidacy are available at City Hall in the office of the city clerk at 115 S. Main Street Hailey, Idaho 83333 from the hours of 9 am to 5 pm.


Candidate Filing Declaration

Write In Candidate Certification

Write In Declaration of Intent

Candidate Withdrawal

Important Dates:

August 28 City candidate filing opens
September 8 at 5 pm candidate filing deadline
September 8 at 5 pm Write-in candidate filing deadline
September 15 Deadline for city clerk to certify names of candidates
September 22 Deadline for candidates to withdraw candidacy by notarized statement 
September 13 at 5 pm Ballot question submission deadline
October 16 - November 3 Early voting

General Voting Information:

The passage of the 2009 Idaho Consolidated Election laws changed city elections.  One of the goals of this law was to reduce the confusion of "where to go" for particular elections.  Since November 2011, Blaine County has handled the logistical voting for all City of Hailey elections.

For details about upcoming elections please see Blaine County's Elections page.

Registering to Vote:

Absentee Ballots may be requested online at idahovotes.gov. Paper forms can be requested from Blaine County Elections office, here is a link to their website: Blaine County Election Website.

See links above to Blaine County's website on details on how to register to vote. Election Day registration is available during early voting and on Election Day.

Voting Requirements - You must provide a photo ID, or sign a Personal Identification Affidavit. Acceptable forms of photo identification include any of the following:

  • An Idaho driver’s license or photo identification card.
  • a valid Idaho identification card issued through the department of transportation.
  • any document which contains a valid address in the precinct together with a picture identification card.
  • A current student photo ID, issued by an Idaho high school or post secondary education institution.

Absentee Voting Polling Place:

Blaine County Courthouse

   206 1st Ave South, Suite 100

   Hailey, ID   83333

   phone: (208) 788-5510

   fax: (208) 788-5501

Polling Place / All Precincts on voting day:

              Community Campus

Polls Open:

              8:00 am – 8:00 pm


Past Election information

Declarations Received for November 2023 Election:

Declarations of Candidacy

Certification of Candidates to County