Community Development FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions
To determine the zoning district your property is located in, please view the map posted at the top of this page or come to City Hall to view the ZONING MAP or call the Planning Department. You'll need the property's legal description or a detailed description of the property's location, so we can find it on our map.
Each zoning district has Permitted, Accessory, and Conditional Uses (a Permit is required for a Conditional Use). These are listed for each district in the Hailey Zoning Ordinance and in the MUNICIPAL CODE.
If you do not know the zoning district your property is located in, please refer to the ZONING MAP or call the Community Development Department at (208)788-9815.
The required front, rear, and side yard setbacks vary between zoning districts. Setbacks are listed for each district in the Hailey Zoning Ordinance and in the MUNICIPAL CODE.
If you do not know the zoning district your property is located in, please refer to the ZONING MAP or call the Community Development Department at (208)788-9815.
Yes and No. Setbacks are not measured from the edge of the pavement, but from the edge of the street right-of-way. Street right-of-way widths in Hailey vary between 60 and 100 feet.
The best way to determine the exact location of all your property lines is to have a land surveyor locate the actual property pins. For more information, see the Hailey street widths.
Daycare businesses are defined in three categories based on size. Daycare businesses at:
- Homes: providing care for six or fewer children at any one time.
- Facilities: providing care for no more than twelve children at any one time.
- Centers: providing care for thirteen or more children.
All categories of daycare businesses require a Daycare License from the City of Hailey. Depending on the zoning district, some categories also need a Conditional Use Permit. Visit City Hall or call for more guidance.
Home occupations are permitted uses in residential zoning districts. However, these must 1) be clearly incidental and secondary to the use of a dwelling as a residence and 2) not negatively impact the surrounding neighborhood. They must also meet all of the following criteria as set forth in the Hailey Zoning Ordinance:
The home occupation shall not change the residential character of the dwelling or neighborhood.
There shall be no exterior advertising.
There shall be no sale or rental of stocks, supplies or products conducted on the premises.
There shall be no exterior storage on the premises of material or equipment associated with the home occupation.
There shall be no offensive noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odors, heat, or glare noticeable at or beyond the property lines.
The home occupation shall not create the need for additional parking.
The home occupation shall employ no unrelated person who is not a permanent resident of the dwelling.
There shall be no significant increase in traffic in the vicinity of the dwelling as a result of the home occupation.
Storage of explosive, combustible or hazardous materials shall conform to the regulations and restrictions adopted by the City in the Uniform Building Code.
Consider talking to your neighbor with the intent of working out your problem before involving the City in the matter. If you are unsuccessful in your diplomatic efforts, please submit your complaints, including as many details as possible, in writing to the City. The Planning Department will review the complaint, and will work to resolve the situation if there is a zoning violation.
The Design Review process was established in order to protect property rights and values, and ensure that the general appearance of buildings and site improvements are consistent with the goals of the City. These goals include the:
- enhancement of properties with adequate landscaping,
- proper circulation within parking areas, and
- architecture that is attractive and functional.
Nearly all commercial, industrial, public and multi-family residential (three or more units) projects have a requirement for Design Review approval.
The Planning Department's deadline is approximately 5 1/2 weeks prior to the Commission meetings. This allows the Planning staff time to certify the application as complete, the City Department Heads to review the application to ensure it meets basic standards, and following this review, adequate time for providing notice of the Public Hearing as required by Idaho State Code.
The Hailey Outdoor Lighting Ordinance is intended to cut down on unsafe glare to motorists and pedestrians, and to prevent light trespass onto neighboring properties, by requiring all outdoor lighting to be full cut-off and downcast. By directing the light downward, many residences and businesses are able to decrease the wattages of their lights, therefore reducing energy consumption. All residential users as well as business owners should be in full compliance with the Outdoor Lighting Ordinance at this time. For further questions, call (208)788-9815.