The Hailey Fire & Rescue Department provides the most comprehensive fire protection and rescue services possible while maintaining a reasonable cost to its taxpayers.
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Fire station
617 South Third Avenue, Hailey
Business telephone number
The Hailey Fire & Rescue Department is a combination fire department.
- Currently, four full-time firefighter/EMTs
- Approximately 25 paid-per-call or "volunteer" members
- Paid-per-call members of the department are paid to attend training sessions and when responding to emergency scenes.
The Hailey Fire & Rescue Department consists of a full-time fire chief, a volunteer assistant fire chief, a full-time fire marshal, a full-time fire inspector, a full-time administrative assistant, and up to 25 paid-per-call members.
The Fire Department is divided into two divisions, Administrative and Operations. The full-time personnel conduct virtually all administrative tasks such as:
- plan reviews for new construction
- fire inspections
- fire investigations
- other routine administrative functions
Both the full-time personnel and the paid-per-call firefighters are part of the operations division of the department. The operations division is responsible for
- medical response
- fire suppression
- maintenance
- communications
- support services, etc.
The paid-per-call members of the Hailey Fire Department serve in many capacities. Men and women over the age of 18 who desire to participate in the fire service are eligible to become members. We routinely conduct new member orientation and training in February and September. Contact us at the number mentioned above to obtain more information.
Emergency Calls
- Approximately 450 emergency calls per year
- About 60%: emergency medical calls
- The remainder:
- structure fires
- wildland fires
- mutual aid assistance
- vehicle fires
- rescue situations
- false alarms

Fire Contact Information
Hailey Fire Department
617 South Third Avenue, Hailey
Phone: (208) 788-3147
Fax: (208) 788-0279Mike Baledge
Fire Chief
Phone: (208) 788-3147
Email: [email protected]Jamie Hoover
Operations Chief
Phone: (208) 788-3147
Email: [email protected]Amanda Chase
Administrative Assistant
Phone: (208) 788-3147
Email: [email protected]