Water System Information

The Water System

The Water Division is responsible for providing and maintaining a fresh water supply to the citizens of Hailey. The city's water is provided by a fresh water spring located in Indian Springs Canyon as well as four wells throughout the city. The water is piped throughout the city through main lines which branch off to individual services. The city has two storage tanks totaling three million gallons. The supply coming from Indian Springs also generates electricity, the sale of which supplements operating costs for the city. Technical data show that the Indian Spring source is dwindling. For more information, see the technical memoranda below:

SPF Technical Memo #1

SPF Technical Memo #2

The Water Division is located at the Woodside Wastewater Treatment Plant and is operated by a six-person crew. The main concern of the crew is to assure a fresh water supply to all residences and businesses. Calls of interrupted water service are handled as a priority. The crew maintains and monitors the spring and the wells on a daily basis. Once a week, samples are taken and tested for water quality.