
Current Openings

Parks Seasonal Maintenance Crew- Performs a variety of semi-skilled duties in the landscaping and maintenance of parks and other City facility maintenance as needed. Job Description

Streets Equipment Operator and Maintenance Crew-  Full-Time. Operates heavy equipment or trucks, maintains equipment, and performs construction and maintenance of City streets, sidewalks and related infrastructure. Must maintain an awareness of street infrastructure and communicate/report potential issues to management. Performs related work within the Public Works Department as required, including snow removal, flood control, general park and water system repairs, arbor care, irrigation system and landscape strip or alley maintenance. Is required to respond during emergencies and take on-call shifts as assigned during weekends and holidays. Shift is typically four, 10 hour days. Job Description

Water Operator- Full-Time, Performs a variety of skilled and semi-skilled duties in the operation, maintenance and repair of the City’s water distribution system and associated facilities. Will assist as assigned in the operation of the City of Hailey’s potable water system ensuring compliance with relevant Department of Environmental Quality and other regulations applicable to a large scale drinking water system. Does related work within the Public Works Department as required. Job Description

Wastewater Treatment Operator-  Full-Time. Under general supervision of the Wastewater Division Manager or Collections Foreman, perform a variety of manual, semi-skilled, and skilled work in the operation, maintenance, and repair of a 1.5 MGD wastewater facility and over 50 miles of collection system. Performs related work within the Public Works Dept. as required, including snow removal. Job Description

Employment Applications

Employment applications can be found under Employment on the Forms & Fees page:

Employment Application Overview

  • Qualified applicants should obtain an application packet here. 
  • Submit a complete application form, cover letter, and resume to Hailey Human Resources, 115 Main Street South, Suite H, Hailey ID 83333 or [email protected] 
  • We provide a compelling benefits package to employees, which includes flexible work schedules, paid vacation, employer paid medical insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, mental-health assistance, partially paid spouse and dependent insurance, Life-Flight insurance for the entire household, retirement plans, employer retirement contributions, retirement medical insurance premium contributions through HRA, sick-leave benefits and cafeteria plans.  During the Covid shutdowns, we did not lay off any employees, instead creating work methods and schedules to protect every single employee’s health and job.

Personnel Handbook