River Street Mobility Concept
City of Hailey actualizes a long-standing multi-modal transportation design on River Street.

The multimodal transportation or "Mobility Concept" planned for River Street is an evolution of the City’s long-time goals. The tenets of this concept date back to the 2007 Master Transportation Plan, which has evolved and been reiterated over the years—for example in the 2014 Blaine County Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan (pg. 57-58)— and, was most recently articulated in Hailey’s 2020 update of the Master Transportation Plan. Page 14 of the 2020 Master Transportation Plan update reiterates the goals for River Street include:
- only two low-speed vehicle travel lanes;
- angled parking;
- dedicated bike lanes separated from the vehicle travel lanes;
- street trees; and
- sidewalks.
As depicted below, development Applicants are required to incorporate the River Street Mobility Concept into the plans for Right of Way improvements.

The suggested dimensions for the required elements of the River Street Mobility Concept are depicted below. Certain locations on River Street may require minor modifications to the suggested design. However, all River Street projects shall receive approval from the City Engineer and include the required elements of the River Street Mobility Concept, which are listed above.