River Lane Apartments
On November 21, 2022, the Hailey Planning and Zoning Commission considered and approved the Design Review Application by River Lane, LLC, for construction of a fifty-one (51) apartment units-- a multifamily building. The project is located on North River Street within the Business (B), Downtown Residential Overlay (DRO), and Townsite Overlay (TO) Zoning Districts.

Specifically, the project includes:
- fifty-one (51) apartment units
- forty-three (43) one-bedroom units
- eight (8) two-bedroom units
- ranging from 602 sq. ft. to 1,027 sq. ft. in size
- eighty-two (82) total parking spaces:
- fifty-one (51) onsite parking spaces
- twenty-three (23) on-street parking spaces on River Street
- six (6) on-street parking spaces on Spruce Street
- two (2) on-street parking spaces on Silver Street
- improvements to the City's Right-of-Way on River Street, Silver Street and Spruce Street, as well as the existing alley called 'River Lane'
- approximately 4,110 sq. ft. of common useable open space
- commercial space on the ground level corner of River Street and Silver Street

With this project, the developer is hoping to maximize workforce housing, develop a small community-centered commercial space, as well as maximize resident well-being through holistic design and landscaping. As a Condition of Approval, the Applicant agreed to require in their leases that all residents be full-time residents and employees in Blaine County. As such, the fifty-one (51) would qualify as community housing units. Located at the edge of Hailey’s Business District, the proposed development is intended to build on adjacent multifamily housing and further, act as a catalyst for high-quality housing in the community.
Through the Design Review process, the Hailey Planning and Zoning Commission considered traffic and water studies that found that the development will have a negligible impact on projected, future traffic and water pressure. Notably, the traffic study found that the anticipated Level of Service (LOS) for the Main and Spruce Street intersection received a poor rating, with or without the construction of River Lane. Increasing vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and congestion on Main Street/SH75 is one of many reasons behind the creation of the Downtown Residential Overlay (DRO) Zoning District, which allows for mid-density residential developments in proximity to downtown amenities, walking and biking facilities, and transit service.