“Arts in Action” with the Hailey Arts and Historic Preservation Commission
Hailey Arts & Historic Preservation Commission invites public to “Arts in Action” event to watch creation of new arts mural in downtown Hailey
The Hailey Arts & Historic Preservation Committee (HAHPC) is sponsoring a new art project in downtown Hailey, a colorful mural on the
northern wall of the Sturtevant’s building on Main Street and is inviting the public to a special Arts in Action event on September 19, 2024, from 5:00-7:00pm to celebrate art and to watch the commissioned local mural artist, Kika McFarlane, create her new work. Complimentary food and beverage will be provided at the event.
McFarlane’s mural, entitled Nature Windows, will feature a patchwork quilt-like design depicting the variety of activities and wildlife in the area. McFarlane is a full-time artist, muralist, and designer based in Hailey who has done work for numerous communities and businesses in the mountain west. “We are excited to continue to add vibrancy to downtown Hailey through art and invite the community to come and join us to watch muralist Kika McFarlane work her magic in real time,” remarked Michele Johnson, Chair of the HAHPC.

The mission of the Hailey Arts & Historic Preservation Commission is to “ensure the arts and history are valued as an integral part of Hailey and to enhance the culture of the Hailey community by providing leadership, advocacy, and support for the arts and history”.
The HAHCP has commissioned a number of unique arts and historical projects for the City of Hailey over the past decade, including:
- Welcome to Hailey sign, located at the corner of Hwy 75 and Fox Acres Road, was created by artist Andrew Hawley.
2016 - Werthheimer Park Art Sign Project, designed by local artist Daniel Hansen, features 14 metal signs affixed to light pole banners in Werthheimer Park which showcase historic and contemporary photographic images of the community.
- Sheep Sculpture, located on the northeastern corner of Myrtle and Main Streets, is a colorful, recycled materials art piece by artist Jacob Novinger that honors the historical sheep migration route along Myrtle Street that is still used by sheepherders to trail their bands of sheep through the city each fall and spring.
- Great Horned Owl Mural, located on the northern wall of the Jane’s Artifacts building, was created by artist Kevin Fitzpatrick to celebrate Hailey’s close connection to its natural environment.
- Historical Interpretive Plaques, located on 21 different historical buildings in and near downtown Hailey to honor the rich history of Hailey.
- Cubic Symphony Sculpture, located on the northeastern corner of Main and Pine Streets, was created by Hagerman artist Mark Stasz and stands as an impressive tribute to the rich musical culture of the valley.
- Dia de Los Muertos Mural, located on the Hop Porter Park restroom building, was created by renowned Los Angeles mural artist John Zender Estrada in collaboration with Hailey artists Melissa Graves Brown and Poo Wright-Pulliam, and Wood River High School art students to recognize the area’s Latino/Hispanic community.
- Prosperity Mountain Chinese Heritage Sculpture, located on the northwestern corner of Main and Walnut Streets, (outside of Hailey Coffee Company), was designed and fabricated by local Asian American artist and welder Gemma Valdez Dagget to honor the heritage of the area’s Chinese immigrants who settled in the neighborhood still known today as China Gardens.
- Art Wrapped Utility Boxes, on the northwestern corner of Main and Bullion Streets, (outside the old LL Greens Hardware Store), feature a compilation of historical photos by City Staff and the HAHPC honoring Hailey’s history, and the local families and children that lived in Hailey over the years.
- Travel through Time Story Photo Booths, located on both the west and east corners of Main Street and Elm Street, feature refurbished and repurposed vintage phone booths with art and phones that hold recordings of stories, in both English and Spanish, by local residents about various aspects of the area’s cultural history.