Hailey E-Bike and Alternative Electric Motor Vehicle Rules

Hailey Rules for E-bikes and Alternative Electric Motor Vehicles


  • In Idaho, all bikes are defined as vehicles and may ride in the road.
  • Bikes are required to ride as close to the side of the road as practical when riding slower than traffic; a full lane is permitted when traveling at the speed of traffic.
  • In Hailey, if a bike lane exists, it is preferred that you ride there.
  • Bikes must slow at intersections, but are not required to stop. Bikers must signal at intersections.
  • In Hailey, bikes must have working brakes, a bell and nighttime reflectors.
  • At least one hand on the handlebar, and no cell phones, please!
  • Ride single file.

Motorized Recreational Vehicles (motorcycles, 4x4, snowmobiles, and all else)

  • Vehicle must be licensed
  • Operator must possess a valid driver's license
  • Operator must wear a helmet

Wood River Trail/Railroad Right of Way/BCRD Bike Path

The Wood River Trail spans Hailey and other cities in our valley.  The BCRD respects the e-bike rules of each City and the County on the trail segment in that jurisdiction.  In Hailey, you can only ride an e-bike, electric scooter, skateboard, or one-wheel if the “electrical assist” is less than 750 watts and you are traveling less than 20 mph.

All other Pathways and Parks

On Hailey pathways and in our Parks, you can only ride an e-bike, electric scooter, skateboard, or one-wheel if the “electrical assist” is less than 750 watts and you are traveling less than 20 mph.  Additionally, pedestrians have the right of way; please be respectful!

Unsure of which pathways and trails allow e-bikes? Check out the Blaine County Recreation District's Summer Trails map, where you can see permitted uses for each trail across the Valley. The map will also share other important information like trail closures, construction, and sheep activity.


  • Yield to pedestrians at all times!
  • Travel as if you were a pedestrian - slow!