- Flood Watch: Flood could be possible, be prepared!
- Flood Advisory: Possible flooding, but not expected to be severe enough for a warning.
- Flash Flood Warning: Flash Flood is a sudden violent flood that can take minutes or hours to develop. This warning is issued with flash flooding is either imminent or already occurring.
- Flood Warning: Flooding is either imminent or already occurring.
Floodplain Management
It's never too late to think about long term planning to prevent flood loss in the future, and to provide peace of mind when the snow pack starts to melt.
The City of Hailey has a Flood Hazard Overlay District, which includes all property that has been determined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to be in the Special Flood Hazard Area. This zoning district has been set up to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare, and to minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions.

Elevation Certificates
The City of Hailey also maintains Flood Elevation Certificates for the streets listed below. If an address is not listed, please contact the Community Development at 208.788.9815 ext. 2027.