2024 Comprehensive Plan Update

With a new year just around the corner, goals and resolutions are often established in hopes of achieving great things. These annual intentions are not just individual endeavors but are common within municipalities too. A primary goal within Hailey’s Community Development Department (CDD) in 2024 is to update, refine, build upon, and modernize Hailey’s Comprehensive Plan to further create an inclusive, healthy, and resilient future for this charming City we all know and love.

As you read this, you may be wondering, “…what is a Comprehensive Plan…”? The purpose of Hailey’s Comprehensive Plan is, in essence, to guide land use change over time. Hailey’s current Comprehensive Plan was last updated in 2010. While outdated, it is still an integral policy document to guiding the City of Hailey. This citywide Plan supports land use direction in Hailey, and with an update, it will continue to support the City’s vision through clear, concise goals, and actionable measures that will aid in successful implementation of the Plan over its 10-year lifespan.

Additionally, the Updated Comprehensive Plan will create consensus around an overarching vision for Hailey’s diverse community that can be espoused by all. The goal is to not overlook current policy framework and guidance provided by various long-range plans and policy adopted by the City, but to review them and incorporate the best applicable practices and recommendations provided by these documents.

To assist CDD in this process, the City has selected a consulting firm to guide Staff in implementable tactics and on-ground expertise. The consulting firm – Jacob Civil, with special recognition of GGLO, Agnew::Beck, and Clearwater Financial – was selected to assist Hailey in building upon and bringing together former planning efforts to create an updated and timely Comprehensive Plan that solidifies a roadmap for the future of Hailey, further incorporating components of traditional plans, as well as new, transformative ideas, and recommendations, while retaining the historical character and account of Hailey’s existing Comprehensive Plan.

We look forward to embarking on this process and we welcome you - our citizens - in joining us in updating, revising, and refining Hailey’s Comprehensive Plan; our great goal of 2024.