Hailey E-Bike and Alternative Electric Motor Vehicle Rules

Hailey Rules for E-bikes and Alternative Electric Motor Vehicles


  • In Idaho, all bikes are defined as vehicles and may ride in the road.
  • Bikes are required to ride as close to the side of the road as practical when riding slower than traffic; a full lane is permitted when traveling at the speed of traffic.
  • In Hailey, if a bike lane exists, it is preferred that you ride there.
  • Bikes must slow at intersections, but are not required to stop. Bikers must signal at intersections.
  • In Hailey, bikes must have working brakes, a bell and nighttime reflectors.
  • Only one rider per equipment!
  • One hand on the handlebar, and no cell phones, please!
  • Ride single file, please!

Motorized Recreational Vehicles (motorcycles, 4x4, snowmobiles, and all else)

  • Vehicle must be licensed
  • Operator must possess a valid driver's license
  • Operator must wear a helmet

Wood River Trail/Railroad Right of Way/BCRD Bike Path

The Wood River Trail spans Hailey and other cities in our valley.  The BCRD respects the e-bike rules of each City and the County on the trail segment in that jurisdiction.  In Hailey, you can only ride an e-bike, electric scooter, skateboard, or one-wheel if the “electrical assist” is less than 750 watts and you are traveling less than 20 mph.  You can read each jurisdiction's e-bike rules here.

All other Pathways and Parks

On Hailey pathways and in our Parks, you can only ride an e-bike, electric scooter, skateboard, or one-wheel if the “electrical assist” is less than 750 watts and you are traveling less than 20 mph.  Additionally, pedestrians have the right of way; please be respectful!


  • Yield to pedestrians at all times!
  • Travel as if you were a pedestrian - slow!