Volunteer Fire Department

Hailey Volunteer Fire Department

Did you know that about 65% of communities in the United States are served by a combination of full-time and volunteer firefighters?  Hailey is proud to have operated under that model since the late 1800s. Hailey has five (5) full-time fire department personnel and a roster of 25 volunteer firefighters.  Volunteer firefighters, also known as “Paid on Call” firefighters are paid when they respond to fire and other emergency calls, and for necessary training.  The Volunteer Firefighters have their own non-profit organization that supports our citizens in need. The President of the Hailey Volunteer Firefighter Association Lt. Josh Murphy states, “We are proud of what we do and are excited to continue supporting the City of Hailey.”

Volunteer firefighters are an integral part of the Hailey culture.  The team that has been built allows for a broader response base and keeps costs down for Hailey citizens. As our town grows, so does our call volume and our desire to recruit more volunteers. The Volunteers are the backbone of the Hailey Fire Department and their passion to serve the community is second to none.

For those that don’t know, the Hailey Fire Department has four fire engines, one rescue truck, two command vehicles, and two quick response medical units. At any point, any of these vehicles can respond to an emergency within the city. Some of these vehicles also respond to our neighboring communities when there is a larger emergency. We have mutual aid and auto-aid agreements with surrounding fire and EMS Departments.